The various projects of



The plan is simple: Chi-Fu scribes down 20 lore while a bunch of bodyguards protect him. Somehow, I managed to build this deck around a character that I absolutely hate. Oops. To add in, Yzma helps draw the right things, Dolores helps actually draw things, and Hades dissuades even killing the bodyguards so the Chi-Fu sweatshop of lore generation can go into overdrive. Of course, a little bit of direct damage and the whole plan crumbles, but the deck is great for an evening of just hanging out with friends over a game of Lorcana - play things and then turn them sideways, pass the turn. Oh, and it's got a bunch of Hercules and Hades, meaning my favourite Disney movie has plenty of representation so its probably actually just the perfect deck.

View the deck on here.