The various projects of


Melody, Sing-Along

When playing multiplayer, I tend to play support. This is a full-support PvE Melody build designed to aid the table turn after turn in facing off against the Overlord, before stealing all the glory with a massive Final Act once all the non-blue cards have been played out of the deck. It's incredible just how consistently, Final Act is in fact the Final Act.

View the deck on Fabrary here.

Generic Action (10)

2 Cash In
2 Cash Out
2 Sift (B)
2 Spirit of Christmas
2 This Round's on Me

Generic Action - Attack (4)

2 Coax a Commotion
2 Pursuit of Knowledge

Generic Action - Aura (2)

2 Good Deeds Don't Go Unnoticed

Generic Action - Item (4)

2 Energy Potion
2 Timesnap Potion