Melody, Sing-Along
When playing multiplayer, I tend to play support. This is a full-support PvE Melody build designed to aid the table turn after turn in facing off against the Overlord, before stealing all the glory with a massive Final Act once all the non-blue cards have been played out of the deck. It's incredible just how consistently, Final Act is in fact the Final Act.

Equipment and Inventory (5 + 2)
1 Jinglewood, Smash Hit1 Hummingbird, Call of Adventure
1 Nom de Plume
1 Heart-throb
1 Fiddle-dee
1 Quickstep
1 Mage Master Boots
Bard Action - Song (12)
2 Song of Jack-be-Quick2 Song of Sweet Nectar
2 Song of the Rosen Matador
2 Song of the Shining Knight
2 Song of the Wandering Mind
2 Song of the Yesteryears