The various projects of



Queue the James Bond music. STARFALL is an amalgamation of ideas that came about in stages. For a long time, I had loved the idea of a 'Big Red' deck that subverted the usual red assumptions - fast and low to the ground? Absolutely not. Let's do X-spells burn! But I couldn't quite place what I wanted for a commander and the deck went through many variants before I let the idea go. Months later, I was chatting with a friend about strange combinations and we landed on Gruul - the colours of 'no think' aggression. That friend had an Agatha deck that was much more think-y then the usual Gruul smash, and that made me think: maybe this was the way to do a Big Red deck - Big Gruul. With a little bit of looking around, I settled on Roxanne as the commander and decided to go hard into treasures. Early on I decided that I'd like a potential second commander if I ever wanted to switch things up, so I grabbed Jaheira + Guild Artisan, and then started packing in the X spells. I also got close to going for a desert sub-theme, but things were starting to get a little too decentralized, so I dropped the idea (though a couple deserts survived in the landbase). Finally, with the famed jank enabler Treasure Map in tow, I had my deck. The time of Big Gruul has come.

View the deck on Moxfield here.