The various projects of


Market Fluctuator

The tool found here lists the items found in the 5e SRD, each paired with a profession (largely aligned with the tool sets presented in 5e), as well as a base resource - only 1 for simplicity's sake. Each has also been categorized into broad categories and rarity (with the intention that common items can be found anywhere, uncommon in larger towns, and rare in city centers). Use the filters below to find items quickly or to create quick and easy shop inventories.

Furthermore, change supply and demand to adjust the prices presented to better fit any settlement in your world! A number of presets have been provided to get you started.




Abundant | Common | Uncommon | Rare | None
















Very Low | Low | Medium | High | Very High





Exotic Goods


General Goods

Musical Instruments


Tool Sets



Item Cost Rarity Category Base Resource Profession
Backpack 200 Common Containers Leather Leatherworker 200
Barrel 200 Common Containers Wood Carpenter 200
Basket 40 Common Containers Wood Weaver 40
Bedroll 100 Common General Goods Cotton Weaver 100
Bell 100 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 100
Blanket 50 Common General Goods Cotton Weaver 50
Block and tackle 100 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 100
Bucket 100 Common Containers Wood Carpenter 100
Candle 1 Common General Goods Wax Herbalist 1
Chalk (1 piece) 1 Common General Goods Stone Alchemist 1
Chest 500 Common Containers Wood Carpenter 500
Climber's kit 2500 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 2500
Crowbar 200 Common General Goods Metal Smith 200
Fishing tackle 100 Common Tool Sets Metal Tinker 100
Flask or tankard 2 Common Containers Metal Smith 2
Hammer 100 Common General Goods Metal Smith 100
Hammer, sledge 200 Common General Goods Metal Smith 200
Hunting trap 500 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 500
Jug or pitcher 2 Common Containers Clay Potter 2
Ladder 10 Common General Goods Wood Carpenter 10
Lamp 50 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 50
Lantern, bullseye 1000 Uncommon General Goods Metal Tinker 1000
Lantern, hooded 500 Uncommon General Goods Metal Tinker 500
Lock 1000 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 1000
Manacles 200 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 200
Mess kit 20 Common General Goods Metal Smith 20
Mirror, steel 500 Common General Goods Glass Glassblower 500
Net 100 Common General Goods Hemp Weaver 100
Oil (flask) 10 Common General Goods Oil Alchemist 10
Pick, miner's 200 Common General Goods Metal Smith 200
Piton 5 Common General Goods Metal Smith 5
Pole (10-foot) 5 Common General Goods Wood Woodcarver 5
Pot, iron 200 Common Containers Metal Smith 200
Pouch 50 Common Containers Leather Leatherworker 50
Rope, hempen (50 feet) 100 Common General Goods Hemp Weaver 100
Rope, silken (50 feet) 1000 Uncommon General Goods Silk Weaver 1000
Sack 1 Common Containers Cotton Weaver 1
Scale, merchant's 500 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 500
Sealing wax 50 Common General Goods Wax Herbalist 50
Shovel 200 Common General Goods Metal Smith 200
Signal whistle 5 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 5
Soap 2 Common General Goods Oil Herbalist 2
Tent, two-person 200 Common General Goods Cotton Weaver 200
Tinderbox 50 Common General Goods Metal Tinker 50
Torch 1 Common General Goods Wood Woodcarver 1
Waterskin 20 Common Containers Leather Leatherworker 20
Alchemist's supplies 5000 Rare Tool Sets Glass Glassblower 5000
Brewer's supplies 2000 Common Tool Sets Glass Glassblower 2000
Calligrapher's supplies 1000 Uncommon Tool Sets Oil Alchemist 1000
Carpenter's tools 800 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 800
Cartographer's tools 1500 Uncommon Tool Sets Metal Tinker 1500
Cobbler's tools 500 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 500
Cook's utensils 100 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 100
Glassblower's tools 3000 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 3000
Jeweler's tools 2500 Uncommon Tool Sets Metal Smith 2500
Leatherworker's tools 500 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 500
Mason's tools 1000 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 1000
Painter's supplies 1000 Uncommon Tool Sets Oil Alchemist 1000
Potter's tools 1000 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 1000
Smith's tools 2000 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 2000
Tinker's tools 5000 Uncommon Tool Sets Metal Tinker 5000
Weaver's tools 100 Common Tool Sets Metal Tinker 100
Woodcarver's tools 100 Common Tool Sets Metal Smith 100
Disguise kit 2500 Uncommon Tool Sets Cotton Weaver 2500
Forgery kit 1500 Rare Tool Sets Oil Alchemist 1500
Herbalism kit 500 Common Tool Sets Wood Woodcarver 500
Navigator's tools 2500 Common Tool Sets Metal Tinker 2500
Poisoner's kit 5000 Rare Tool Sets Glass Glassblower 5000
Theives' tools 2500 Uncommon Tool Sets Metal Tinker 2500
Dice set 10 Common Tool Sets Wood Woodcarver 10
Playing card set 50 Common Tool Sets Pulp Calligrapher 50
Rations (1 day) 50 Common Food Food Cook 50
Ale, gallon 20 Common Food Food Brewer 20
Ale, mug 4 Common Food Food Brewer 4
Bread, loaf 2 Common Food Food Cook 2
Cheese, hunk 10 Common Food Food Cook 10
Meat, chunk 30 Common Food Food Cook 30
Wine, common 20 Common Food Food Brewer 20
Wine, fine 1000 Common Food Food Brewer 1000
Feed 5 Common Food Food Cook 5
Padded armour 500 Common Armour Leather Leatherworker 500
Leather armour 1000 Common Armour Leather Leatherworker 1000
Studded leather armour 4500 Uncommon Armour Leather Leatherworker 4500
Hide armour 1000 Common Armour Leather Leatherworker 1000
Chain shirt 5000 Common Armour Metal Smith 5000
Scale mail 5000 Uncommon Armour Metal Smith 5000
Breastplate 40000 Uncommon Armour Metal Smith 40000
Half plate 75000 Rare Armour Metal Smith 75000
Ring mail 3000 Uncommon Armour Metal Smith 3000
Chain mail 7500 Uncommon Armour Metal Smith 7500
Splint armour 20000 Rare Armour Metal Smith 20000
Plate armour 150000 Rare Armour Metal Smith 150000
Shield 1000 Common Armour Wood Smith 1000
Club 10 Common Weapons Wood Woodcarver 10
Dagger 200 Common Weapons Metal Smith 200
Greatclub 20 Common Weapons Wood Woodcarver 20
Handaxe 500 Common Weapons Metal Smith 500
Javelin 50 Common Weapons Wood Woodcarver 50
Light hammer 200 Common Weapons Metal Smith 200
Mace 500 Common Weapons Metal Smith 500
Quarterstaff 20 Common Weapons Wood Woodcarver 20
Sickle 100 Common Weapons Metal Smith 100
Spear 100 Common Weapons Metal Smith 100
Crossbow, light 2500 Uncommon Weapons Wood Bowyer 2500
Dart 5 Common Weapons Wood Bowyer 5
Shortbow 2500 Common Weapons Wood Bowyer 2500
Sling 10 Common Weapons Wood Bowyer 10
Battleaxe 1000 Uncommon Weapons Metal Smith 1000
Flail 1000 Uncommon Weapons Metal Smith 1000
Glaive 2000 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 2000
Greataxe 3000 Uncommon Weapons Metal Smith 3000
Greatsword 5000 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 5000
Halberd 2000 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 2000
Lance 1000 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 1000
Longsword 1500 Uncommon Weapons Metal Smith 1500
Maul 1000 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 1000
Morningstar 1500 Uncommon Weapons Metal Smith 1500
Pike 500 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 500
Rapier 2500 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 2500
Scimitar 2500 Uncommon Weapons Metal Smith 2500
Shortsword 1000 Uncommon Weapons Metal Smith 1000
Trident 500 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 500
War pick 500 Rare Weapons Metal Smith 500
Warhammer 1500 Uncommon Weapons Metal Smith 1500
Whip 200 Uncommon Weapons Leather Leatherworker 200
Blowgun 1000 Uncommon Weapons Wood Bowyer 1000
Crossbow, hand 7500 Rare Weapons Wood Bowyer 7500
Crossbow, heavy 5000 Rare Weapons Wood Bowyer 5000
Longbow 5000 Uncommon Weapons Wood Bowyer 5000
Arrows (20) 100 Common Ammunition Wood Bowyer 100
Blowgun needles (50) 100 Common Ammunition Wood Bowyer 100
Crossbow bolts (20) 100 Uncommon Ammunition Wood Bowyer 100
Sling bullets (20) 4 Common Ammunition Stone Bowyer 4
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) 100 Common General Goods Metal Smith 100
Caltrops (bag of 20) 100 Common General Goods Metal Smith 100
Chain (10 feet) 500 Common General Goods Metal Smith 500
Grappling hook 200 Common General Goods Metal Smith 200
Spikes, iron (10) 100 Common General Goods Metal Smith 100
Whetstone 1 Common General Goods Stone Smith 1
Bit and bridle 200 Common Transport Leather Leatherworker 200
Saddle, exotic 6000 Rare Transport Leather Leatherworker 6000
Saddle, military 2000 Uncommon Transport Leather Leatherworker 2000
Saddle, pack 500 Common Transport Leather Leatherworker 500
Saddle, riding 1000 Common Transport Leather Leatherworker 1000
Saddlebags 400 Common Transport Leather Leatherworker 400
Bottle, glass 200 Common Containers Glass Glassblower 200
Hourglass 2500 Uncommon Exotic Goods Glass Glassblower 2500
Magnifying glass 10000 Uncommon Exotic Goods Glass Glassblower 10000
Spyglass 100000 Rare Exotic Goods Glass Glassblower 100000
Vial 100 Common Containers Glass Glassblower 100
Clothes, common 50 Common Clothing Cotton Weaver 50
Clothes, costume 50 Uncommon Clothing Cotton Weaver 50
Clothes, fine 1500 Uncommon Clothing Silk Weaver 1500
Clothes, traveler's 200 Common Clothing Cotton Weaver 200
Robes 100 Common Clothing Cotton Weaver 100
Signet ring 500 Uncommon Clothing Metal Smith 500
Abacus 200 Uncommon General Goods Wood Woodcarver 200
Case, crossbow bolt 100 Uncommon Containers Wood Carpenter 100
Case, map or scroll 100 Uncommon Containers Leather Leatherworker 100
Ram, portable 400 Uncommon Weapons Wood Carpenter 400
Carriage 10000 Uncommon Transport Wood Carpenter 10000
Cart 1500 Common Transport Wood Carpenter 1500
Chariot 25000 Rare Transport Wood Carpenter 25000
Sled 2000 Common Transport Wood Carpenter 2000
Wagon 3500 Common Transport Wood Carpenter 3500
Galley 3000000 Rare Transport Wood Shipwright 3000000
Keelboat 300000 Rare Transport Wood Shipwright 300000
Longship 1000000 Rare Transport Wood Shipwright 1000000
Rowboat 5000 Uncommon Transport Wood Shipwright 5000
Sailing ship 1000000 Rare Transport Wood Shipwright 1000000
Warship 2500000 Rare Transport Wood Shipwright 2500000
Perfume (vial) 500 Uncommon General Goods Herbs Herbalist 500
Acid (vial) 2500 Uncommon Potions Herbs Alchemist 2500
Alchemist's fire (flask) 5000 Uncommon Potions Herbs Alchemist 5000
Antitoxin (vial) 5000 Uncommon Potions Herbs Herbalist 5000
Paper (1 sheet) 20 Uncommon General Goods Pulp Calligrapher 20
Parchment (1 sheet) 10 Common General Goods Leather Calligrapher 10
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 1000 Uncommon General Goods Oil Calligrapher 1000
Ink pen 2 Uncommon General Goods Wood Woodcarver 2
Book 2500 Rare General Goods Pulp Calligrapher 2500
Bagpipes 3000 Rare Musical Instruments Wood Weaver 3000
Drum 600 Common Musical Instruments Leather Leatherworker 600
Dulcimer 2500 Uncommon Musical Instruments Wood Woodcarver 2500
Flute 200 Common Musical Instruments Wood Woodcarver 200
Lute 3500 Common Musical Instruments Wood Woodcarver 3500
Lyre 3000 Common Musical Instruments Wood Woodcarver 3000
Horn 300 Common Musical Instruments Metal Smith 300
Pan flute 1200 Uncommon Musical Instruments Wood Woodcarver 1200
Shawm 200 Uncommon Musical Instruments Wood Woodcarver 200
Viol 3000 Rare Musical Instruments Wood Woodcarver 3000
Potion of healing 5000 Common Potions Herbs Herbalist 5000