Market Fluctuator
The tool found here lists the items found in the 5e SRD, each paired with a profession (largely aligned with the tool sets presented in 5e), as well as a base resource - only 1 for simplicity's sake. Each has also been categorized into broad categories and rarity (with the intention that common items can be found anywhere, uncommon in larger towns, and rare in city centers). Use the filters below to find items quickly or to create quick and easy shop inventories.
Furthermore, change supply and demand to adjust the prices presented to better fit any settlement in your world! A number of presets have been provided to get you started.
Item | Cost | Rarity | Category | Base Resource | Profession |
Backpack | 200 | Common | Containers | Leather | Leatherworker |
Barrel | 200 | Common | Containers | Wood | Carpenter |
Basket | 40 | Common | Containers | Wood | Weaver |
Bedroll | 100 | Common | General Goods | Cotton | Weaver |
Bell | 100 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Blanket | 50 | Common | General Goods | Cotton | Weaver |
Block and tackle | 100 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Bucket | 100 | Common | Containers | Wood | Carpenter |
Candle | 1 | Common | General Goods | Wax | Herbalist |
Chalk (1 piece) | 1 | Common | General Goods | Stone | Alchemist |
Chest | 500 | Common | Containers | Wood | Carpenter |
Climber's kit | 2500 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Crowbar | 200 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Fishing tackle | 100 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Tinker |
Flask or tankard | 2 | Common | Containers | Metal | Smith |
Hammer | 100 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Hammer, sledge | 200 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Hunting trap | 500 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Jug or pitcher | 2 | Common | Containers | Clay | Potter |
Ladder | 10 | Common | General Goods | Wood | Carpenter |
Lamp | 50 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Lantern, bullseye | 1000 | Uncommon | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Lantern, hooded | 500 | Uncommon | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Lock | 1000 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Manacles | 200 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Mess kit | 20 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Mirror, steel | 500 | Common | General Goods | Glass | Glassblower |
Net | 100 | Common | General Goods | Hemp | Weaver |
Oil (flask) | 10 | Common | General Goods | Oil | Alchemist |
Pick, miner's | 200 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Piton | 5 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Pole (10-foot) | 5 | Common | General Goods | Wood | Woodcarver |
Pot, iron | 200 | Common | Containers | Metal | Smith |
Pouch | 50 | Common | Containers | Leather | Leatherworker |
Rope, hempen (50 feet) | 100 | Common | General Goods | Hemp | Weaver |
Rope, silken (50 feet) | 1000 | Uncommon | General Goods | Silk | Weaver |
Sack | 1 | Common | Containers | Cotton | Weaver |
Scale, merchant's | 500 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Sealing wax | 50 | Common | General Goods | Wax | Herbalist |
Shovel | 200 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Signal whistle | 5 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Soap | 2 | Common | General Goods | Oil | Herbalist |
Tent, two-person | 200 | Common | General Goods | Cotton | Weaver |
Tinderbox | 50 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Tinker |
Torch | 1 | Common | General Goods | Wood | Woodcarver |
Waterskin | 20 | Common | Containers | Leather | Leatherworker |
Alchemist's supplies | 5000 | Rare | Tool Sets | Glass | Glassblower |
Brewer's supplies | 2000 | Common | Tool Sets | Glass | Glassblower |
Calligrapher's supplies | 1000 | Uncommon | Tool Sets | Oil | Alchemist |
Carpenter's tools | 800 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Cartographer's tools | 1500 | Uncommon | Tool Sets | Metal | Tinker |
Cobbler's tools | 500 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Cook's utensils | 100 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Glassblower's tools | 3000 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Jeweler's tools | 2500 | Uncommon | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Leatherworker's tools | 500 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Mason's tools | 1000 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Painter's supplies | 1000 | Uncommon | Tool Sets | Oil | Alchemist |
Potter's tools | 1000 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Smith's tools | 2000 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Tinker's tools | 5000 | Uncommon | Tool Sets | Metal | Tinker |
Weaver's tools | 100 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Tinker |
Woodcarver's tools | 100 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Smith |
Disguise kit | 2500 | Uncommon | Tool Sets | Cotton | Weaver |
Forgery kit | 1500 | Rare | Tool Sets | Oil | Alchemist |
Herbalism kit | 500 | Common | Tool Sets | Wood | Woodcarver |
Navigator's tools | 2500 | Common | Tool Sets | Metal | Tinker |
Poisoner's kit | 5000 | Rare | Tool Sets | Glass | Glassblower |
Theives' tools | 2500 | Uncommon | Tool Sets | Metal | Tinker |
Dice set | 10 | Common | Tool Sets | Wood | Woodcarver |
Playing card set | 50 | Common | Tool Sets | Pulp | Calligrapher |
Rations (1 day) | 50 | Common | Food | Food | Cook |
Ale, gallon | 20 | Common | Food | Food | Brewer |
Ale, mug | 4 | Common | Food | Food | Brewer |
Bread, loaf | 2 | Common | Food | Food | Cook |
Cheese, hunk | 10 | Common | Food | Food | Cook |
Meat, chunk | 30 | Common | Food | Food | Cook |
Wine, common | 20 | Common | Food | Food | Brewer |
Wine, fine | 1000 | Common | Food | Food | Brewer |
Feed | 5 | Common | Food | Food | Cook |
Padded armour | 500 | Common | Armour | Leather | Leatherworker |
Leather armour | 1000 | Common | Armour | Leather | Leatherworker |
Studded leather armour | 4500 | Uncommon | Armour | Leather | Leatherworker |
Hide armour | 1000 | Common | Armour | Leather | Leatherworker |
Chain shirt | 5000 | Common | Armour | Metal | Smith |
Scale mail | 5000 | Uncommon | Armour | Metal | Smith |
Breastplate | 40000 | Uncommon | Armour | Metal | Smith |
Half plate | 75000 | Rare | Armour | Metal | Smith |
Ring mail | 3000 | Uncommon | Armour | Metal | Smith |
Chain mail | 7500 | Uncommon | Armour | Metal | Smith |
Splint armour | 20000 | Rare | Armour | Metal | Smith |
Plate armour | 150000 | Rare | Armour | Metal | Smith |
Shield | 1000 | Common | Armour | Wood | Smith |
Club | 10 | Common | Weapons | Wood | Woodcarver |
Dagger | 200 | Common | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Greatclub | 20 | Common | Weapons | Wood | Woodcarver |
Handaxe | 500 | Common | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Javelin | 50 | Common | Weapons | Wood | Woodcarver |
Light hammer | 200 | Common | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Mace | 500 | Common | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Quarterstaff | 20 | Common | Weapons | Wood | Woodcarver |
Sickle | 100 | Common | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Spear | 100 | Common | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Crossbow, light | 2500 | Uncommon | Weapons | Wood | Bowyer |
Dart | 5 | Common | Weapons | Wood | Bowyer |
Shortbow | 2500 | Common | Weapons | Wood | Bowyer |
Sling | 10 | Common | Weapons | Wood | Bowyer |
Battleaxe | 1000 | Uncommon | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Flail | 1000 | Uncommon | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Glaive | 2000 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Greataxe | 3000 | Uncommon | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Greatsword | 5000 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Halberd | 2000 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Lance | 1000 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Longsword | 1500 | Uncommon | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Maul | 1000 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Morningstar | 1500 | Uncommon | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Pike | 500 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Rapier | 2500 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Scimitar | 2500 | Uncommon | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Shortsword | 1000 | Uncommon | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Trident | 500 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
War pick | 500 | Rare | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Warhammer | 1500 | Uncommon | Weapons | Metal | Smith |
Whip | 200 | Uncommon | Weapons | Leather | Leatherworker |
Blowgun | 1000 | Uncommon | Weapons | Wood | Bowyer |
Crossbow, hand | 7500 | Rare | Weapons | Wood | Bowyer |
Crossbow, heavy | 5000 | Rare | Weapons | Wood | Bowyer |
Longbow | 5000 | Uncommon | Weapons | Wood | Bowyer |
Arrows (20) | 100 | Common | Ammunition | Wood | Bowyer |
Blowgun needles (50) | 100 | Common | Ammunition | Wood | Bowyer |
Crossbow bolts (20) | 100 | Uncommon | Ammunition | Wood | Bowyer |
Sling bullets (20) | 4 | Common | Ammunition | Stone | Bowyer |
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) | 100 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Caltrops (bag of 20) | 100 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Chain (10 feet) | 500 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Grappling hook | 200 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Spikes, iron (10) | 100 | Common | General Goods | Metal | Smith |
Whetstone | 1 | Common | General Goods | Stone | Smith |
Bit and bridle | 200 | Common | Transport | Leather | Leatherworker |
Saddle, exotic | 6000 | Rare | Transport | Leather | Leatherworker |
Saddle, military | 2000 | Uncommon | Transport | Leather | Leatherworker |
Saddle, pack | 500 | Common | Transport | Leather | Leatherworker |
Saddle, riding | 1000 | Common | Transport | Leather | Leatherworker |
Saddlebags | 400 | Common | Transport | Leather | Leatherworker |
Bottle, glass | 200 | Common | Containers | Glass | Glassblower |
Hourglass | 2500 | Uncommon | Exotic Goods | Glass | Glassblower |
Magnifying glass | 10000 | Uncommon | Exotic Goods | Glass | Glassblower |
Spyglass | 100000 | Rare | Exotic Goods | Glass | Glassblower |
Vial | 100 | Common | Containers | Glass | Glassblower |
Clothes, common | 50 | Common | Clothing | Cotton | Weaver |
Clothes, costume | 50 | Uncommon | Clothing | Cotton | Weaver |
Clothes, fine | 1500 | Uncommon | Clothing | Silk | Weaver |
Clothes, traveler's | 200 | Common | Clothing | Cotton | Weaver |
Robes | 100 | Common | Clothing | Cotton | Weaver |
Signet ring | 500 | Uncommon | Clothing | Metal | Smith |
Abacus | 200 | Uncommon | General Goods | Wood | Woodcarver |
Case, crossbow bolt | 100 | Uncommon | Containers | Wood | Carpenter |
Case, map or scroll | 100 | Uncommon | Containers | Leather | Leatherworker |
Ram, portable | 400 | Uncommon | Weapons | Wood | Carpenter |
Carriage | 10000 | Uncommon | Transport | Wood | Carpenter |
Cart | 1500 | Common | Transport | Wood | Carpenter |
Chariot | 25000 | Rare | Transport | Wood | Carpenter |
Sled | 2000 | Common | Transport | Wood | Carpenter |
Wagon | 3500 | Common | Transport | Wood | Carpenter |
Galley | 3000000 | Rare | Transport | Wood | Shipwright |
Keelboat | 300000 | Rare | Transport | Wood | Shipwright |
Longship | 1000000 | Rare | Transport | Wood | Shipwright |
Rowboat | 5000 | Uncommon | Transport | Wood | Shipwright |
Sailing ship | 1000000 | Rare | Transport | Wood | Shipwright |
Warship | 2500000 | Rare | Transport | Wood | Shipwright |
Perfume (vial) | 500 | Uncommon | General Goods | Herbs | Herbalist |
Acid (vial) | 2500 | Uncommon | Potions | Herbs | Alchemist |
Alchemist's fire (flask) | 5000 | Uncommon | Potions | Herbs | Alchemist |
Antitoxin (vial) | 5000 | Uncommon | Potions | Herbs | Herbalist |
Paper (1 sheet) | 20 | Uncommon | General Goods | Pulp | Calligrapher |
Parchment (1 sheet) | 10 | Common | General Goods | Leather | Calligrapher |
Ink (1 ounce bottle) | 1000 | Uncommon | General Goods | Oil | Calligrapher |
Ink pen | 2 | Uncommon | General Goods | Wood | Woodcarver |
Book | 2500 | Rare | General Goods | Pulp | Calligrapher |
Bagpipes | 3000 | Rare | Musical Instruments | Wood | Weaver |
Drum | 600 | Common | Musical Instruments | Leather | Leatherworker |
Dulcimer | 2500 | Uncommon | Musical Instruments | Wood | Woodcarver |
Flute | 200 | Common | Musical Instruments | Wood | Woodcarver |
Lute | 3500 | Common | Musical Instruments | Wood | Woodcarver |
Lyre | 3000 | Common | Musical Instruments | Wood | Woodcarver |
Horn | 300 | Common | Musical Instruments | Metal | Smith |
Pan flute | 1200 | Uncommon | Musical Instruments | Wood | Woodcarver |
Shawm | 200 | Uncommon | Musical Instruments | Wood | Woodcarver |
Viol | 3000 | Rare | Musical Instruments | Wood | Woodcarver |
Potion of healing | 5000 | Common | Potions | Herbs | Herbalist |