Deities of Tellura
From the beginning of time to the present day, Tellura has undergone several celestial changes, where old gods faded, and new gods took their place. From the original Timeless to the present-day Protean Gods, Tellura has 4 pantheons, though only the Protean Gods are still commonly worshipped.
However, even the Protean Gods are not often directly worshipped, but are presented to the mortal races through the paragons they choose. Such paragons are typically local or regional and few are known throughout all of Tellura. As such, they will not be described below.
The Timeless
In the beginning, there were only the Timeless, and they were the only beings of limbo. The created the stars to drive back the chaos and made space for those that followed them.
Called by some the Great Old Ones, the Timeless are beings beyond any comprehension. Though they have stayed quiet for many eons, some believe that their magic may be tapped into. However, most that attempt to do so are found with their minds mangled and broken.
It is believed there are five Timeless, though none may know for sure.
The very basis of Tellura was made by Creation, the Timeless who made the physical world, and is said to have created the gods that succeeded the Timeless. It is said to have also had a hand in shaping all of the creations that followed.
Some say that Creation is the easiest of the Timeless to contact and come away sane. Those that do so claim that their understanding of the world around them is suddenly expanded, though none are able to explain further.
The Timeless known as Emotion is believed to have created sentience. It allowed for creatures to feel – from fear to triumph, it gave all creatures and gods the possibility to understand the effect of their actions and others’ actions on themselves.
Those few who are able to contact Emotion and come away with any trace of sanity say that this Timeless made them feel as if they were experiencing all their strongest emotions magnified.
While Creation may have created the bodies of living beings and Emotion eventually given them sentience, it is Life that gave them that first spark to live. It nurtures plants and animals alike, then extinguishes the flame when it chooses to do so.
Very few are said to have had contact with Life, but those who do claim that they were able to sense the very essence of every living being – from the smallest insect to the gods and Ancients themselves.
Magic is believed to have created much of the world – from the magic of life to any of the smaller effects that mortal beings are able to harness. Magic is said to have also connected Tellura to the various other planes of existence and to a larger universe.
Any who connect to Magic and survive the process find themselves able to cast spells of incredible power, often at the cost of their physical being.
The last of the Timeless is Time itself. It is believed that Time is the first being of all of Tellura, for without Time all else could not exist. Time allows for beings to grow and change, for life to live and evolve. Many claim that though Time allowed for all else to exist, it also only existed for an instant and that instant is where all life takes place.
The few who are able to contact Time claim that they are able to see all that has been and all that will be as if it were one scattered collage.
The Ancients
When the Timeless had created the universe, they made the Ancients to continue their work. The Ancients formed the many planes of Tellura as physical places, from the sun and moons to the lands and seas.
The Ancients are beings of pure nature, and it is from them that some druids draw their strength, though many believe them to be fools for doing so. It is said that the Ancients are indifferent to mortals, and though they slumber now, should they wake the world will shift and mortal life may find itself in peril. For it is said that the planes of Tellura are the Ancients themselves, and that we live amongst their sleeping forms.
The mortal races of the material plane have only named Ancients of their own plane. It is believed that each plane may have its own Ancients, and there could be many of these great beings.
Cael is the Ancient of the sky. The blue of the day and dark of the night are his domain. Whilst the fish may belong to the sea, the birds belong to the air and Cael is their king.
Those who choose to worship or draw power from Cael often look to the clouds for augury or study the patterns of lightning in a storm. Those who can often take to the skies and even if they cannot, followers of Cael will typically spend the majority of their lives under the open sky.
It is said that if Cael awoke from his slumber, the skies would come alive with lightning and storms, and the clouds would come to smother the creatures of the earth.
Luna and Elune
The twin moons of Tellura are known as Luna and Elune. As they move through the night sky, they dance with each other, taking turns to circle forward and back, eclipsing each other about once every 72 days.
Any who draw their power from the twin moons feel it wax and wane with their passing. They often bask in the moons’ glow and may have odd tendencies on nights of the full or the new moon, tracking the phases and the eclipses to the hour.
Should the Ancients Luna and Elune ever wake, some believe their dance would become much more erratic and they could dance into or possibly entirely away from the material plane.
The queen of the fish and the ocean depths is Mare, the ancient of the sea. Though sailors may pray to their paragons and Protean Gods, the underlying fear of Mare commands their respect.
Of all the ancients, Mare is thought to be the most lucid of dreamers, her waters constantly in motion. Some hope to draw on this power and choose to worship her. Often at sea, these followers will swim or sail for much of their lives, going wherever the currents lead them.
If the sea ever woke from its sleep, it is believed that the waves would swell to sizes never before believed to be possible and storms would overturn any seagoing vessels. The waters would rush onto the lands, destroying seaside towns as well.
The Ancient known as Sol is the sun itself. Rising in the east and setting in the west, Sol moves in its stable route as Tellura lives off of its light.
Of the Ancients, though followers rarely reveal themselves, it is believed that Sol has the most. These worshippers sometimes choose to travel westwards, following the path of the sun, but often instead simply look to live in the sun’s light. The more dangerous among these followers may wish to spread the sun’s light as fire instead.
Should Sol ever wake and deviate from his regular path, the world would be in danger, either from burning up as the sun neared or from freezing as the sun moved away.
The many Tempi are a single Ancient, intrinsically connected in ways unthinkable to the mortal mind. They represent the seasons, though how many there are is debated by peoples of different places – some claim four: summer, autumn, winter, and spring; whilst others claim two: wet and dry.
The Tempi are present everywhere and their followers can be all kinds of people, drawing power from any of the seasons. Others draw power from all of the seasons, changing with the changes in nature around them.
It is believed that if the Tempi awoke, the seasons themselves would begin to mix. Many believe it would be the least destructive of any Ancients waking while others argue that the true effects cannot be known due to the sometimes-unpredictable nature of the Tempi even in their sleep.
Terra is the earth itself. The very ground that Tellurans live on from the fields to the hills and mountains. Druids who live and believe in the land itself praise Terra for the life she gives.
Such worshippers live close to the ground, often working it as a farmer. They may travel to explore as much of the world as possible and will often seek to bring others closer to the earth and out of cities.
Should Terra ever wake, the earth itself would begin to shift and move, and any who live upon it would be crushed. It is generally agreed that Terra waking would be extremely devastating.
Elder Gods
When the gods fought amongst themselves, the Elder Gods found themselves on the losing end of the battle. Now trapped in a jail of rings crafted for them by Calor, they watch Tellura from afar, still plotting their revenge.
There are those who believe that the Elder Gods were unfairly treated by the Protean Gods when they were cast out, and that the titles that they now hold are cruel reflections of their true domains. Secret factions still praise them and rarely find ways to call upon their power. This inevitably brings conflict which reflects the Sundering – the war fought between the Gods.
Today, the Elder Gods are locked away in their prison – the rings that encircle Alaam and cast their shadow upon it. It is said the shadow of their prison is what drives the people of Alaam to evil and that their influence will never truly disappear.
Akontia, the Fallen Tyrant
Seated on an iron throne, the armoured Queen Akontia is always depicted looking over the masses - her obedient slaves. Usurped, the Fallen Tyrant rules no more, her domains shared between Cataegis and Nurta. No longer does she lead the gods with an iron fist, and no longer must mortals pay tribute to her without end, following her every command.
Yet it was not always this way. Akontia was known before the Sundering as the Dutiful Shepherd, guiding her flock to safety and ensuring their success. Her domains spanned lordship and law, overlooking any with power over others and ensuring they always acted in the best interest of their charges.
The scepter of rulership and law was her symbol, and her secret cults still use it as theirs, masquerading as worshippers of Cataegis. She was symbolized also with the lion, king of beasts - now taken by Praelia - and with the mighty oak tree. She was depicted as a shepherd watching her flock or as a kindly queen with white hair and blue eyes. Modern depictions only show armour, charcoal gray with ice cold eyes peering from behind a dark helm.
Evrima, the Lady Luck
Unlike the other Elder Gods, Evrima is not seen as inherently evil. The Lady Luck is instead viewed as an example of the fallibility of the gods - even the goddess of luck and fortune can fall prey to her own domain, choosing the wrong side during the Sundering.
Though her domain has been given to Lucrus, Evrima still holds some influence over the world. Where Evrima was the goddess of luck, Lucrus altered the domain to that of chance, where good luck befalls those who actively take a chance. As such, Evrima is still said to preside over some aspects of randomness when it is unexpected, though as an elder god this is typically restricted to bad luck.
Evrima’s symbols include the lucky four-leaf clover and the rabbit’s foot. She is depicted as a young woman with brown hair dressed in a green dress, always smiling a mischievous smile and typically holding her hands behind her back, as if hiding something.
Koita, the Night-Veiled
The divine assassin, Koita is shrouded in darkness, always waiting for the moment to strike down her targets. The Night-Veiled is depicted as little more than the outline of a figure and a dagger in total darkness. Believed to be the last of the Elder Gods to be tracked down and trapped during the Sundering, Koita no longer holds sway over her old domains, largely divided between Aequa, Interitus, Calor, and Lucrus.
The Night-Veiled was once much more than an assassin. Known then as the Endless Collector, Koita did much more than steal souls. Her domain was that of knowledge and her purview was the catalogue of all things. Never depicted without a book in her hand, the Endless Collector was believed to have a library filled with all the knowledge of Tellura. Today, her knowledge of secrets is Aequa’s, her knowledge of whereabouts belongs to Interitus’ hunt, her knowledge of crafts and studies is Calor’s and her endless collection belongs to Lucrus.
Because her knowledge was used during the Sundering to eliminate targets, Koita’s main symbol changed from the book to a list of names. Her other symbols included the owl and the crow, as well as the well of knowledge and the library.
Myria, the Hand of Doom
Enforcing the commands of Akontia, the Hand of Doom brings all mortals to their fate, ensuring their downfall. From beneath her black cloak, Myria’s missing right hand glows red, crafted of magic. No longer able to force mortals to their downfall, Myria’s domains of fate and inevitability have been largely removed by the Protean Gods, believers of choice. What little remains has been divided between Aurora in guidance, Aequa in fate, and Ostia in choice.
However, before the Sundering, Myria had both her hands, for she was a weaver - the Weaver of Fate. Upon her loom she wove the stories of heroes and villains, considered by many not to be the enforcer, but the storyteller of lives gone by. Tales of heroism were recorded by her and some say that these great tapestries may still line the abodes of the gods. She lost her right hand during the Sundering to never be able to tell her stories again, for the Protean Gods feared they would all be lies.
Myria has a number of symbols that are still remembered. These are the loom and the tapestry, and some include the storybook as well. After the Sundering, her conjured red right hand has become a symbol of not just Myria, but all the Elder Gods, and in this way, Myria’s storytelling and symbolism lives on.
Pathos, the Raging Zealot
Consumed by rage, Pathos sought to hunt and destroy anything he perceived as wrong. Dressed only in light armour, the Raging Zealot is often depicted with a burning fire in his eyes and in his hands broken glass, cutting and bleeding freely. His hatred for anything that defies his will is unending and for that he must be kept forever locked away.
Those few who follow old faiths from before the Sundering remember Pathos much differently. He was the god of passion and faith, a believer in pursuing one’s interests and chasing dreams and goals with fervor. He was also the god who established many mortal’s belief systems and taught them to respect the gods, nurturing their faith and trust. Now however, his domains have been shared amongst Amara in devotion, Praelia in fighting for a cause, and most notably Sollertia in passion.
Pathos’ symbols include fire burning and the heart, often depicted together as a burning heart. His was also the candle, for flames that had to be nurtured with care and the anchor to symbolize taking a stand and holding fast to one’s beliefs.
Psithyros, the False Whisperer
Known for his featureless, white mask, Psithyros is always watching and listening. He takes the secrets he hears told and twists them, until only dark falsehoods remain, which he then passes on to precisely those ears that will worst bear the knowledge. The False Whisperer is known only to lie by omission however and remembers what he hears forever.
Psithyros has always worked very closely with Koita, passing on knowledge. Even before the Sundering, he was the god of secrets, promises, and oaths. He has always listened in silence and all secrets were safe from prying eyes and ears with him. However, he would hold one to their promises, and oaths sworn to the Vigilant Witness were never to be taken lightly. These domains have now been split amongst Aequa, Calor, and Praelia.
Psithyros’ mask is his most prominent symbol. It is often depicted only as a simple white oval, occasionally with eyes. He is also symbolized by a lock without a key and by the ant – a creature that can be found most anywhere but is never heard.
Synedros, the Manipulative Archon
Standing behind his queen, Synedros whispers his cruel machinations in Akontia’s ear, looking to twist decisions to his will. Similarly, he whispers to leaders and councilors, looking to turn them against each other and delight in the chaos that ensues. The Manipulative Archon keeps those with power paranoid, threatening rebellion and assassination. Where Psithyros listens, Synedros seeds whispers and rumours that spread like wildfire.
Synedros has not moved from his place behind the throne since before the Sundering. In those days he was known as the Judicious Counsel, giving good advice that any monarchs or leaders need to hear. He never claimed to be correct, but only to tell them sides they may have not considered. His domains of counsel and deliberation have largely fallen to Aurora as guidance, Fluvius as spiritual aid, Nurta as the nurturing of others, as well as Ostian in presenting all the possible choices.
The symbols of Synedros include a round table, where no seat is above the other, fostering debate and discussion. The meerkat and their warning system is seen as a symbol of the Judicious Counsel, as is the chamber where diplomats meet.
Protean Gods
The present-day pantheon of Tellura has 13 gods, each active in the world in their own ways. They may take many forms when walking the earth and interacting with its people, and each has several forms that give way to a number of sects built around them. They also promote mortals who exemplify their virtues to the status of paragonhood, aiding the world in ways they see fit.
The Protean Gods are the victors of the Sundering and are seen as the protectors of the mortal races, ensuring that they can prosper and flourish. Offerings and sacrifice are given to them at shrines and temples, and prayers are recited to their paragons.
Each of the Protean Gods also has a month named after them and during that time, it is said that their influence on Tellura is at its peak.
Aequa, the Blind Judge
Aequa presides over the departed souls and their afterlife, choosing where they will spend eternity based on their deeds in life. She is the goddess of judgement and fate, balance and neutrality, as well as of darkness and silence.
She appears as a woman dressing in a black dress that fades to nothingness. She always has her black hair tied back and her eyes blindfolded, though many believe she does not have eyes beneath. She never speaks, and some depictions have her mouth sewn shut. She holds scales to weigh the deeds of the dead, good against evil.
Aequa is most commonly symbolized by her scales, though her blindfold is also sometimes used. She is believed to listen to the deeds of the living and see their sins through the eyes of ravens, and her domain is found in cemeteries and graveyards where prayers are always believed to find her.
Chapels and temples are built to Aequa within cemeteries or at their gates. They are simple, built of black stone and lit only by candles placed by worshippers. Offerings of dried flowers that preserve beauty in death are placed within when prayers are given for the souls of dead loved ones.
Aequa has two major sects. The first is that of Aequa the Judge, who looks upon each dead soul brought to her by Aurora and decides their fate and their afterlife. She is prayed to after the death of a loved one to have leniency and give them a good afterlife.
Aequa the Silent never chooses a side and secrets given to her remain with her forever, never spoken. She is worshipped in secret, when spoken words may threaten great difficulty and will allow a secret to be taken to the grave. However, this paradoxical form will use these secrets in her judgement and is rarely truly invoked by any but the most selfless.
There is a third, hidden sect to Aequa, stemming from her betrayal of the elder gods during the Sundering. Aequa the Conciliatory looks upon those who have made decisions with extremely negative outcomes because they saw it as the only way with understanding, giving them leniency in their judgement.
Amara, the Devoted Matron
The goddess of home and hearth, devoted love, loyalty and marriage, warmth and care, as well as family, Amara represents a safe and caring life.
Those that see Amara know her to be kindly and always recall her warm smile. She is most typically depicted similarly to her sister Nurta, with long brown hair and a simple dress, though on wedding days she takes on the robes of her priestly orders and in very special cases may even be the one to conduct the ceremony.
The loyalty of Amara is represented by the dog, though the cow is often seen as well. A lit fireplace or hearth are known to be places of her domain, and many homes have a small shrine at the fireplace to keep them safe. Amara may also be signified by whatever a culture uses to show marriage, such as wedding bands amongst the humans of Tellura.
Amara is worshipped most commonly at home, but temples to Amara can also be seen. They often have beds for those who need a home – travelers or homeless – and the fireplace or brazier at the temple is always tended to by priests so it never burns out. Offerings of food or clothes are left at the temples, which can be taken by those in need.
Invoked at different times, the two major sects of worship for Amara are intrinsically related. Amara of the Hearth keeps families safe and together, even in times of war or chaos, bringing stability and loyalty. Some ask Amara of the Hearth for a home, and she leads them to safety.
Amara of Devotion is the patron of marriage and faithfulness. Worshippers pray to this form to help them through times when their loyalty is tested and for the strength to love unconditionally.
Aurora, the Divine Guide
Aurora is the goddess of travel, dance, light, and colour. She holds command over the constellations, the rainbow, and the northern lights. She also embodies outmost compassion, and guides souls from the place of death to Aequa for their final judgement.
Always inviting, Aurora appears as a young woman in a simple white dress, which shimmers blue, green, and pink as she moves. She is often pictured with angelic, white wings and sandals on her feet.
The open road is Aurora’s symbol, or sometimes and open door showing the outside world. She is also known for the dove that contrasts Aequa’s ravens, and the dandelion, its seeds travelling on the wind. Aurora can also be seen in the northern lights, the rainbow, and the brilliant colours of sunset.
Temples to Aurora are rare, though small shrines along well travelled routes are very common. Typically, plain and white, they may be occasionally painted with a likeness of the northern lights or have a stained-glass image worked in. Offerings of art are given to her temples to decorate the plain walls and when family members die, while the adults pray to Aequa, children paint small rocks for Aurora to guide their family safely to the afterlife.
Aurora the Traveler is the most common form for the goddess to show. She travels alongside anyone making their way across a long distance, protecting them from harm and leading the way of the lost. She is invoked before voyages and given offerings after a completed journey. This is also the form she takes when leading the souls of the dead to the afterlife.
Aurora the Dancer is the role she takes when a signal is to be made in the sky, often in the depths of winter to give hope. The Dancer is worshipped during times of upheaval to lead the people to a safe future.
Calor, the Resolute Guardian
The god of fire and forge, Calor is the patron of craftspeople and their work, as well as of their learning. He is the god of patience and practice, of uncovering secrets, of protection, guardianship, and sacrifice.
Never seen without his hammer, Calor also holds a horn to sound the alarm. He is scarred and burned along his strong arms and his eyes glow with the heat of the forge, casting light on everything he turns his gaze to. His hammer changes with his outfit – sometimes that of a smith in an old apron, sometimes that of a warrior in well-worn metal armour.
Whilst the hammer is Calor’s most recognized symbol, the horn also takes a place of honour. Sometimes a hammer and anvil represent his workshop, whilst a horn and a shield represent guardianship and watchfulness. In his role as a seeker of knowledge, Calor is symbolized by an eye. The animals of the beaver and woodpecker depict his hard work and the volcano is believed to be his natural forge.
Calor resides wherever there is work to be done, and it is very rare to see a workshop without a symbol of Calor hung within. Many places of learning or discovery will also have a small shrine to the Resolute Guardian. Such shrines will often be made of gray stone or metal, and temples will often display and anvil with a hammer placed on or hung over it. Places where Calor is worshipped are often filled with conversation as craftspeople share knowledge and technique. Offerings are made of a hard day’s work – giving one’s earnest time and effort is enough for his blessing. Using materials of the finest quality for a physical offering is also often seen, which may then be released to Calor for use in his own workshop.
Calor has three main roles. Calor of the Forge guides people of hard work and learning alike in this role as he gives them knowledge, perseverance, and a steady hand to create and discover.
Calor the Protector is invoked when mortals believe themselves to be in danger, hoping for the god to step in and guard them. He is worshipped by the family of soldiers at war and those who find themselves in danger. It is said that when one hears Calor’s horn sound on the wind, the persecuted are protected and will soon be safe.
Lastly, the least common of Calor’s forms is that of Calor the Watcher. Wherever he casts his vision is illuminated and secrets are uncovered. Those who seek forbidden knowledge such as spies may dedicate themselves to him.
Cataegis, the Change-Bringer
Cataegis is the god of paradoxes, holding domain over rulership but also over rebellion, of change both peaceful and chaotic, or downfall and rebirth. He holds sway over wrath and calm, over storms and safe winds.
Cataegis appears as a powerful figure with black hair lined with golden streaks. He holds a lightning bolt in wrath or a lamb in tenderness and may be dressed as a warrior or a shepherd. Sometimes he appears as a king, in robes of deep teal and gold, with a crown upon his head and a scepter in his hands.
The most common symbols for Cataegis are those of the storm and lightning bolt, as well as the kestrel. However, the lamb is another symbol, as is the mallet of law, or the crown and scepter of rulership. Rarely, Cataegis may also be symbolized by the pikes of rebellion. To avoid such a situation, every office of rulership will display a symbol to Cataegis, hoping for a peaceful rule.
Temples to the Change-Bringer are common in cities, and any who wish to influence the rule of the land may seek to pray there. Shrines are rarer, but both will always have an opening to the sky and a bowl set to catch and collect rainwater. Offerings are given of valuables thrown in deep or rushing water, and for this purpose most temples are built next to the sea or a river.
Cataegis is most common as a force of nature – Cataegis of the Storm. In this form, he shows his might in with lightning strikes and strong winds. The storm heralds change, and Cataegis of the Storm is worshipped by the rebellious, giving hope to any rules by tyrants.
Cataegis of Might is worshipped by those who have or hope for power over others, offering them strength to lead. He is mighty and more stable than his other forms.
Lastly, Cataegis of Peace is the most fickle of the Change-Bringer’s forms. When prayers are made to stave off change and to keep a domain quiet and calm, they are made to Cataegis of Peace.
Cecidimus, the Forgotten
The patron of all things forgotten or lost, Cecidimus collects items, knowledge, and memories. The things he claims are thought to be lost forever, though once every three years on the day of Cecideam, they may return once more.
Cecidimus hides his face and is only ever pictured as a shrouded figure in a long, gray robe. His only symbols are smoke on the wind or running water – once gone never to return. Sometimes ruins are also believed to be his domain.
Cecidimus does not have temples and does not take offerings, working entirely by his own whims. Shrines to Cecidimus are small and may be a place to check if one has lost something.
Fluvius, the Tranquil Healer
Fluvius is the patron god of sleep, rest, dreams, healing, and aid. He brings good health to those who are patient and calm, and then bolsters them when they take part in good pursuits such as tending to others or raising crops.
Typically, Fluvius appears as an older man with white hair, a kind smile, and caring eyes. He may appear to those in need and offer aid, sometimes in person or sometimes in dreams. Often, he does so in a way that requires the mortal to show goodness to another before taking for themselves.
Fluvius is symbolized by the cat and sometimes the owl. His symbols also include a bed and his domain reaches to places of healing such as hot springs or calm natural clearings.
Shrines and temples to Fluvius are places where worshippers may rest and recover or attempt to contact him through their dreams. People who believe strongly in Fluvius will write down their dreams in diaries and seek knowledge from these writings. Priests to Fluvius provide aid and healing, with magic or natural remedies, aiding the hurt or the grieving.
Fluvius has two major sects, the first being Fluvius of Dreams. He may appear giving omens to guide his followers, but more commonly captures the imagination and heals the mind by allowing it to escape a hurting reality. His worshippers pray for renewed strength when they return to the real world.
Fluvius the Healer is more active with the physically injured or sick, bringing them recovery and good health. He is believed to be the most common of the gods to appear in person and give aid as a passing stranger.
Interitus, the Continual Hunter
Holding dominion over the wilderness and all things wild, Interitus is the god of freedom, the hunt and archery, decay, disease, and loss.
He most commonly appears as a sickly, pale man dressed in hunting gear, armed with a bow and a quiver of poison-tipped arrows, as well as several hunting and skinning knives strapped to his thigh. He is depicted with long, gray hair and sharp green eyes that are startlingly alive compared to his skin.
Interitus’ most common symbol is the bow and arrow, though a knife is also sometimes used. Fungus, the worm, and the vulture can signify his connection to decay, and the swamp or marsh are places he holds most high, though the wilderness as a whole is his domain.
Temples to Interitus are rare, with shrines much more common. Always made of wood, the best shrines to Interitus are grown, not built. They may be found deep in forests and wild places, grown by hermits or sometimes the god himself. Offerings are most commonly meats or fresh food that are left to spoil at the foot of the shrine, consumed in time by the Continual Hunter.
The preferred sect of Interitus is that of Interitus the Hunter. He is the patron of archers, hunters, and trappers, or any of those that track and subdue prey.
Sometimes he is worshipped as Interitus of Freedom, the patron of any who seek freedom from tyranny or the bonds of civilization. However, this may also be seen by the god as freedom from the bonds of a physical body and a search for the afterlife.
The final form of the Continual Hunter is that of Interitus of Decay. It is believed to be the god’s preferred state, the patron of slow death and decay – from spoiled food to the ruins of once great nations. It is said that whilst Aequa judges the dead and Aurora takes them to her, it is Interitus who chooses when a mortal is to die by natural causes and sets the timeline on a life.
Lucrus, the Avaricious Trader
Presiding over trade, wealth, precious gems and metals, Lucrus is the god of greed, gambling, and chance. He is also the patron of merchants and traders, of bargaining and loopholes.
Lucrus is typically depicted as a fat, wealthy figure with blonde hair and beautiful robes. He is shown as holding dice, cards, or coins, and they say his eyes remind the viewer of precious gems with their brilliance.
Whilst the most common symbols of Lucrus are dice, cards, and coins, he is also symbolized by the mole. Sometimes reeds are attributed to him, as well as anything precious under the earth – usually gems or metals. Places that store or generate wealth such as banks or mines are under the Avaricious Trader’s domain, as are gambling or gaming houses.
Shrines and temples to Lucrus are made of precious metals, or at least heavily decorated with gold and silver, as well as rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. For this reason, they are typically found within protected areas – within castle walls or closed gardens, where the wealthy worship. Offerings are made of one’s own wealth to increase the size of Lucrus’ endless hoard in the hope that he will return the favour.
There are two major sects under Lucrus. The first is Lucrus the Wealthy, worshipped by those who have or those who aspire to have riches beyond imagination. However, it is also believed that Lucrus is more likely to grant small gifts than big ones and for that reason is more likely to smile on the requests of the poor, to even out the balance of wealth.
The second sect is of Lucrus the Gambler. This is a patron of any who take a chance – whether gambling small amounts of coin or taking a decision that may affect the future of an empire. He is often represented in this form by a die or coin that is still on edge, with the outcome undecided.
A hidden, unknown sect of Lucrus exists, stemming from his betrayal of the elder gods during the Sundering. Lucrus the Duplicitous is the patron of the two-faced, those who present themselves one way only to act another for their own personal gain.
Nurta, the Nurturing Mother
The goddess of growth, fertility, and agriculture, Nurta presides over birth and harvest, watching over her children, from the youngest to the most elderly. She cares for new parents and for freshly sown seeds.
Nurta typically appears like her sister Amara, though Nurta’s brown dress is often lined with green. Her eyes are similarly green, though when harvest season arrives they turn yellow, the colour of healthy wheat. Her brown hair is curled and in her hands she may sometimes hold a bushel of wheat, or more rarely a child.
Nurta’s symbols are those of the songbirds – most prominently the sparrow – the deer, and the rabbits. Wheat is often associated with her, as are young sapling trees. When threatened, Nurta is symbolized by the bear, whilst during harvest season she may be symbolized with a sickle. Farms are Nurta’s domain, though she also resides anywhere a young child lives.
Shrines are built at farmsteads, or temples in central farming towns. In cities, new mothers bring offerings to her shrines and the elderly make there way there often when they are able to. Offerings are simple, typically seeds that can be taken by the wind to be sown by Nurta for her own crop.
Nurta the Mother is the most prominent of the Nurturing Mother’s forms. She is the mother of people, animals, and crops and finds joy in watching them grow and develop. If required, it is believed that she might even step in when a child is left without anyone and raise them as her own.
Nurta of the Harvest is called upon in the autumn when the crops are grown. She makes the passing of the elderly calm and easy, holding them until Aurora comes to collect their souls.
The least common form of Nurta is that of Nurta the Threatened. Symbolized by the bear, she is invoked by any who feel that those in their charge are threatened and they may not have the strength to defend them. In such situations, she may be more feared than even Praelia.
Ostia or Ostian, the Mistress or Master of Choice
The goddess or god of choice, decisions, lies and truth, Ostia or Ostian takes two forms, based on what one chooses to see them as. They are the patron of stubbornness and reconsideration, honesty and deceit, meetings and farewells.
Ostia appears as an older woman, with gray hair tied into a tight bun. She has a sonorous alto voice and while her right eye is blue, her left is yellow. Ostian appears similarly, an older man with short-cropped gray hair, his eyes matching his female form’s in reverse. They are always dressed such that half their clothing is white, while the other half is black – sometime with a simple line down the middle, but sometime with the mix being muddled and scattered.
The door is the Master of Choice’s most typical symbol, often portrayed simply as an archway. Lumber may also be used to symbolize them, used to both build and to destroy. The gates of a city are well known to be part of their domain.
Shrines are found at these gates, and temples are common in the religious sectors of many places. Worship consists of quiet reflection on choices made and yet to be made. The temples are typically black and white, with little decoration. Ostia takes no offerings, instead simply watching the results of any decisions made.
Surprisingly, Ostian only has one role, and that is as the Master of Choice. No matter which route one takes, it is the choice that the god is the patron of. Worshippers may ask for guidance or reflection but know that the god of choice will always leave it up to them.
Praelia, the Glorious Warrior
Praelia is the patron goddess of combat with all its glory and horror. She presides over war, duels, vengeance, valour, daring, honour, and spontaneity. She is also the goddess of oaths sworn.
She appears as a warrior, though her outfit changes to match that of the warriors she appears before. She might wear the armour of a general or that of a soldier, but is never seen without her spear and sword, with which she is a formidable fighter. Her blonde hair is cut short and her gray eyes are always watching for danger.
Praelia is symbolized by the eagle in single combat, the lion in war, and the armadillo in defense. Her spear and sword are often presented crossed in an X and may also appear on the background of a shield. Blood is also one of Praelia’s symbols. Her domain is the battlefield, as well as places of martial training.
Temples to Praelia are often built in the military quarter of cities, where large groups of warriors may pray at once in loud, synchronized worship. Covert groups may also have shrines to Praelia, as well as gladiatorial arenas or similar places of combat. Blood is Praelia’s preferred offering, whether it be one’s own or that of a fallen foe.
Praelia takes three major forms, the first of which is Praelia the Disciplined. Worshipped by soldiers and generals, she aids them in large-scale maneuvers and war. She symbolizes tactical victory and strength of the disciplined, as well as calm in the midst of combat.
Praelia the Vicious is the foil to the Disciplined. She is the patron of vicious combatant, fueled by rage or bloodlust, often in single combat. She basks in the spray of blood and the complete triumph of her warriors.
Praelia the Oath-Holder keeps mortals to their word. Any oaths sworn under the gaze of Praelia are binding for life and cannot be broken. Those who find they lack the strength to carry out an oath pray to the Oath-Holder, as do those who seek vengeance for a broken oath.
Sollertia, the Lively Maiden
Sollertia overlooks celebration, performance, art and joy. She is the goddess of drink and intoxication, as well as sex and lust. Gossip is also one of her domains.
The Lively Maiden typically appears in a light pink dress, thin and revealing. She is said to change her face to whatever is most desirable to those around her, and tales speak of those who have gone mad with longing after gazing upon her.
Sollertia is symbolized by the peacock, as well as various birds of paradise. She can also be symbolized as a handheld fan or a pitcher of drink. Her domain extends to any places of performance, where people may exhibit their talents to others, as well as places of solitude for lovers.
Temples to Sollertia include stages for performers and are places of gathering – coliseums or theatres are her temples and to worship Sollertia is to be joyous and open to others. Her shrines are often the places where gossip is exchanged. Offerings to Sollertia are performances dedicated to her or art made in her name, which then decorates the temple or shrine.
Sollertia the Reveler is the form that is worshipped at celebrations and festivals, always pictured to be spreading drink and joy. Any who throw a party pray to her for a successful night of revelry.
Sollertia the Artist promote art and performance, seeking out the best painters, sculptors, musicians, dancers, and actors to showcase to the world. Worshippers pray for a successful performance or her aid to make a beautiful work.
Sollertia the Lover is worshipped behind closed doors, by those who would partake in a night of lust. Many young adults send silent prayers to her for their dreams to be fulfilled.