The various projects of


Flicker Knights

Created after the rats deck as a bit of a total mood change, the concept behind this deck was murky for a long time. I wanted a kindred deck, but not one of the more common tribes - rats, humans, angels, etc. Knights is not a rare tribe either, but I found I liked the idea that while WU tends to be quite controlling with lots of counter magic, Azorius Knights was an archetype that totally went against its colours. I decided on a flicker subtheme and to try to pack in as many ETB effects as I could to wind up with a satisfactory level of jank. After that it was just anthem effects and general tribal support (but not the good kind - we need to stay in budget here).

Later note: I've come to find that I don't quite like how this deck plays - it's ridiculously slow for an aggro playstyle and doesn't have enough ETBs to make the flicker effects ever really work. A future rework will have to find a way to get more lands on the table faster or slim down to cheaper creatures. Alternatively, perhaps the flicker theme needs to go and the deck needs to pivot harder into KNIGHTS.