The various projects of



When I first started playing Magic Arena, I discovered the (once-per-turn but technically infinite) combo of Mad Ratter and Priest of the Forgotten Gods and fell in love with Rakdos. This is my attempt to make a Rakdos sacrifice list that focuses on making and sacrificing rat tokens of all kinds. I had debated making a more streamlined Relentless Rats or Rat Colony deck, but decided to commit to the jank (also those rats are expensive). This deck often comes out fast and strong, establishes itself as the archenemy of the table, then peters out to lose embarassingly. That said, if you ever manage to get just the right combination of sacrifice fodder, enablers, and outlets, you'll quickly wind up with a game winning jank combo. Oh and of course, the whole deck has a subtheme of stealing other people's creatures to make for sac fodder.

View the deck on Moxfield here.