Looking back at some of the earliest worldbuilding I've ever done circa 2008-2010. It's a little embarrasing, but holds a special place in my heart so here it is. You'll note I was really into Pokémon at the time - making my own world naturally translated to making a bunch of creatures for it - complete with types, health, attacks, and evolution chains. The world inspired some of the basics (a.k.a. elemental areas) for Ancient Rift.
The World
The world of Renysk (named Renysk) was based around a bunch of elements - the analogue to Pokémon's types, but also somewhat inspired by Bionicle. Each element had its own country, and 'Normal' type was omnipresent. This map was the entire extent of the worldbuilding.
- Airantelen - Air
- Delentalon - Rock
- Dirakon - Dark
- Electon - Electric
- Gelont - Grass
- Icentor - Ice
- Litonex - Light
- Metrisen - Metal
- Salontex - Sonic
- Valantor - Fire
- Wesenat - Water
There used to be a lot more creatures, but child me decided to cull a lot of them at one point. I've always been the one to just scrap and start over it appears.
Each creature is presented with it's info-box in my notes and its card if it had one made. The creation of these cards is split over a period of 3 years as can be seen by the copyright text at the bottom. Additionally, two pages of creature concepts have been added - the first with some descriptions of the elements, and a second where the 'Guardian of Light's' expression matches my own when I look at these. Note how despite being paper copies that were never seen by anyone else, both sport copyright symbols - apparently I was also paranoid as a child.
The list of attacks had no stats attached to it, just attack names. Of course, most attacks of any single type must start with the name of that type, otherwise who would know what type they are? 'Fuze' was specifically spelled that way, and apparently, 'Stiff Grass Rain' was a really cool idea. I did mention this stuff is a little embarrasing.
- Bounce
- Roll
- Tailwhip
- Double Tailwhip
- Triple Tailwhip
- Bite
- Punch
- Throw
- Take Down
- Fakeout
- Scratch
- Peck
- Rapid Peck
- Harden
- Slash
- Headbutt
- Stomp
- Wrap
- Chomp
- Fireball
- Flame
- Fire Sight
- Fire Wall
- Fire Wave
- Lava Pit
- Overheat
- Lavaball
- Melt
- Eruption
- Ash
- Waterball
- Splash
- Water Squirt
- Water Blast
- Wave
- Hurricane
- Moat
- Slippery Ground
- Waterfall
- Electricball
- Spark
- Shock
- Zap
- Electric Bolt
- Electric Cage
- Electric Wave
- Overcharge
- Static
- Grassball
- Leaf Throw
- Grass Spike
- Leaf Edge
- Stiff Grass Rain
- Poison Spit
- Gunk
- Sticky Solution
- Vine Wrap
- Sweet Scent
- Airball
- Wind
- Tornado
- Suffocate
- Air Wall
- Weather Play
- Rockball
- Pebble Hit
- Rock Slam
- Rock Slide
- Rock Tomb
- Rock Wall
- Ditch
- Cliff
- Mud Pit
- Crater
- Iceball
- Frost
- Ice Sheet
- Ice Wave
- Freeze
- Icicle Rain
- Chill
- Ice Trap
- Ice Wall
- Metalball
- Metal Headbutt
- Metal Spike
- Metal Wall
- Metal Cage
- Sonicball
- Boom
- Sound Block
- Sonic Wave
- Shatter
- Soundwave
- Chatter
- Lightball
- Sunshine
- Ray
- Blindray
- Mirror
- Future Sight
- Copycat
- Fuze
- Darkball
- Mist
- Shade
- Sleep
- Darkness
- Invisibility
- Disable
- Soul Eater
- Curse
Normal Arena
HP: 100 / ∞ turns
A regular arena.
Normal Attacks x1.5
Fire Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
An arena in flames.
Fire Attacks x1.5
Water Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
A submerged arena.
Water Attacks x1.5
Electric Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
An electrocuted arena.
Electric Attacks x1.5
Air Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
A flying arena!
Air Attacks x1.5
Grass Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
A very grassy and wild arena.
Grass Attacks x1.5
Rock Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
A mountain like arena.
Rock Attacks x1.5
Ice Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
An icy cold arena.
Ice Attacks x1.5
Sonic Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
An amplified, but sound proofed arena.
Sonic Attacks x1.5
Metal Arena
HP: 90 / 10 turns
A metal built arena.
Metal Attacks x1.5
Dark Arena
HP: 95 / 11 turns
No light enters this arena.
Dark Attacks x1.5
Light Arena
HP: 95 / 11 turns
A very, very well lit up arena.
Light Attacks x1.5
Personal Arena
HP: 75 / 8 turns
It'll only help you!
All your attacks x1.5 (opponent has normal damage)
Special Effect Arena
HP: 80 / 8 turns
It's very special.
All special effects double e.g. poison 4 turns
Lava Pit
HP: 90 / 10 turns
A pit of lava, self-explanatory
All fire attacks x2
Open Sea
HP: 90 / 10 turns
It's the sea, duh!
All water attacks x2
HP: 90 / 10 turns
So much electricity!
All electric attacks x2
HP: 90 / 10 turns
It's in the air, obviously
All air attacks x2
HP: 90 / 10 turns
It's so leafy
All grass attacks x2
HP: 90 / 10 turns
A cave in a mountain
All rock attacks x2
HP: 90 / 10 turns
Brrr! It's so cold!
All ice attacks x2
Sound Wave
HP: 90 / 10 turns
Ow! My ears!
All sonic attacks x2
Armed House
HP: 90 / 10 turns
A very sturdy metal home
All metal attacks x2
HP: 90 / 10 turns
I'm on the sun!
All light attacks x2
HP: 90 / 10 turns
I'm on the moon!
All dark attacks x2
Upgraded Arena
HP: 90 / 20 turns
It's an upgraded arena
All normal attacks x2
Alternating Arena
HP: 100 / 24 turns
Is someone turning it on and off?
All attacks x1.5 every second turn. e.g. both players x1.5, then none
Circle of Life
HP: 110 / 13 turns
Life goes on.
Fire attacks against grass type creature x4, grass to water, water to fire
Balance Beam
HP: 200 / 20 turns
Very balanced, or everything topples
Light doesn't effect dark and vice versa
Dead Effects
HP: 95 / 11 turns
Special effects are not so special now
All Special Effects are ended and don't take place
Crooked Arena
HP: 50 / 5 turns
Up is sideways, down is up...
Flip a coin twice, if one is heads the attacking creature is confused
Aggressive Arena
HP: 30 / 5 turns
This arena can attack!
For every turn this arena is in play, all your opponents creatures take 5 D
HP: 70 / 7 turns
All is the same
No weakness or resistance takes place
Trading Card Game
That's right, there was a whole three-page document on how to play Renysk TCG. Different things had to get rounded up or down but the rules might sometimes conflict, there was apparently a shared graveyard, and you were expected to memorize a massive weakness/resistance table and just apply it to any and all attacks - not to mention certain status (or rather special) effects not affecting certain types. Oh, and it's up to the players the memorize the type for all attacks. Simple, right?
Side note, I fixed some of the spelling errors, but left a lot in just to keep it authentic.
How to Play Renysk TCG
The Deck
- The Name of the Creature.
- How many Hit Points (HP) the creature originally has. When the number of damage exceeds the number of HP, the creature dies and is discarded to the graveyard.
- The creatures type. This is one of Fire, Water, Electric, Air, Grass, Rock, Ice, Sonic, Metal, Dark, Lgiht, and/or Elemental. Type determines weakness and resistance. It is shown by a picture.
- Some extra info about the creature.
- A picture of the creature.
- Attacks that inflict damage on the other creature, and sometimes have effects. A creature may have up to eight attacks.
- The Name of the Arena.
- The amount of turns the arena lasts for and how much HP it has if attacked.
- A description of the arena.
- A picture of the arena.
- The effect an arena has.
Shuffle your deck and take 5 cards. Place one creature face-down on the field. It must be a not evolved creature. You may put more non-eveolved creatures begind the first one if you wish. If you cannot put a creature down, reshuffle your deck and try again. This goes for any time in the game - when you have nothing on the field and can't play a card. After both players have put down cards, flip them over. If one of you have an arena card, put it down now if you wish. If both players have one and want to put it down, flip a coin.
Starting the Game
Flip a coin. Whoever wins will go first.
1 Turn
At the start of your turn, draw a card. Next you may evolve a creature. After you do/don't you can switch you forward attacking creature, and you can put down more Back-Up Attacking Creatures and if possible an arena. Next you attack. If you kill your opponent's creature, he/she will have to discard it and replace it with a back-up attacking creature. Remember about any effects.
Special Effects
Confused - When your creature is confused, when you attack flip a coin. If heads you attack normally. If tails, you attack yourself.
Dazed - If you are dazed, you cannot attack for one turn.
Asleep - Your creature cannot attack for 3 turns, but regains 10 HP.
Paralysed - Your creature cannot attack for 2 turns.
Burned - Nest turn, your creature loses 5 HP.
Poisoned - Over the next 2 turns, your creature loses 5 HP each turn.
Blinded - Your next attack is halved in damage. (5 dmg rounds up)
Frozen - Your creature cannot attack for 2 turns. If ther is a fire creature on the field, it is only one turn.
Freeze doesn't work on fire types, burn on water, blind on light, and paralysed on electric.
If damage is halved, 5's round up (e.g. 25 dmg halved is 15 dmg)
All other effects are self explanatory or are explained on the card.
Some Rules
You can only have 1 FAC [forward attacking creature] and up to 4 BUAC's [back-up attacking creatures].
You can have up to 10 Cards in you hand.
Winning the Game
To win the game, you must defeat your opponent's entire deck.
If you have a card you can't play (e.g. Spicklew killed, have Spicklan), you can sacrifice it and draw another card.