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Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

vos kas alt dwnwm es nesden nal ka vapalan e vos kwj es regjn egved okrestje egnal tag ma . vos kwj jnlatja e samvjwd e garfjs kwj opratr mjot ma .

vos kas alt dwnwm es nesden nal ka vapalan e vos kwj es regjn egved okrestje egnal tag ma . vos kwj jnlatja e samvjwd e garfjs kwj opratr mjot ma .

The North Wind and Sun

The North Wind and Sun

A dispute once arose between the North Wind and the Sun as to which was the stronger of the two. Seeing a traveler on his way, they agreed to try which could the sooner get his cloak off him. The North Wind began by sending a furious blast at the traveler which nearly tore the cloak from its fastenings. The traveler seized the garment with a firm grip and held it round his body so tightly that the North Wind spent his remaining force in vain. The Sun, dispelling the clouds that had gathered, then darted his most sultry beams on the traveler’s head. Growing faint with the heat, the man flung off his cloak, and ran for protection to the nearest shade.

vena es venor ved e solws

pane vena-a es venor ved e solws-e grjma par vo kwe ma plws mwrgjwm . kjane kjos spera revejwn-o kfen keþ kfj e kane kjos eljgat revaljt par orekses kwe ma es wna nal verdja mantel ap keþ-o . ake vena es venor ved wna nal adþja . orse keþ-a metjer sprjgja es mwrgjwm ved kfo revejwna eksen keþ-a verdja es swlakrwm vjk mantel ap keþ-o eks . tose revejwn ersan me dortan e etrok es mwrgjwm vjk mantel þor kane mwrgjwm ap vena es venor ved ejrjl deskart . tose solws odvemotr nwalj orse kwj sogvr ors þel kjne ke-e serja es lwmos vjk kfo glota ap revejwna . nese revejwn kwrwm þafor par khala e tose keþ odvemotr es elakra vjk mantel ap keþ þel sane keþ tresa kfo wmþrava es envjras ved .

vena es venor ved e solws
pane vena-a es venor ved e solws-e grjma par vo kwe ma plws mwrgjwm . kjane kjos spera revejwn-o kfen keb kfj e kane kjos eljgat revaljt par orekses kwe ma es wna nal verdja mantel ap keb-o . ake vena es venor ved wna nal adbja . orse keb-a metjer sprjgja es mwrgjwm ved kfo revejwna eksen keb-a verdja es swlakrwm vjk mantel ap keb-o eks . tose revejwn ersan me dortan e etrok es mwrgjwm vjk mantel bor kane mwrgjwm ap vena es venor ved ejrjl deskart . tose solws odvemotr nwalj orse kwj sogvr ors bel kjne ke-e serja es lwmos vjk kfo glota ap revejwna . nese revejwn kwrwm bafor par khala e tose keb odvemotr es elakra vjk mantel ap keb bel sane keb tresa kfo wmbrava es envjras ved .

The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel

Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.

They said to each other, "Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth."

But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."

So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel — because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

tjor ap papel

ve telwra es jomslat ved wna sonora-a panen alt dwnwmj tamla keþ-a pa . ofe dwnwmj kfen kwj-e kfo ereva kfj trjna parel dsj sjnare e ake kwj-e rakajstra ged .

pane kwj-e tamla ma "þola kejh os novja mwrkagje e kejh jwld pakan es jomslat vjk" . keje kwj-e novja mwrkagnwn jse kagvaj e tara jse klepwtja . tapr met ktaden pane kwj-e tamla "þola kejh os novja vjla e tjor tolo ged petat sjel tol þor neso os kwrwm keleþor . pje nekejh os novja kej jws loso os traft mj wr telwrer es jomslat ved" .

jke gdejw þola spera vjla e tjor kejnen dwnwmj novja jws kej . pane gdejw tamla "pje akeþ alt dwnwm pas kwj tamla wna sonora pa adþja novja eta tavra voh nwlt tavra aves kwj jnjnt av es nwlvod ved . wto je skrjmos sonora ap kwj þor nejdo kwj vemetra mj" .

tapr met ktaden lose gdejw traft kwj-e nesen egr lokate wr telwrer es jomslat ved e kfane kwj-e apet novja vjla . ake ged kalne papel jret dsj egr lokate wte gdejw skrjmos sonora ap telwra es jomslat ved . nesen egr lokate lose gdejw traft kwj-e wr telwrer es jomslat ved .

tjor ap papel
ve telwra es jomslat ved wna sonora-a panen alt dwnwmj tamla keb-a pa . ofe dwnwmj kfen kwj-e kfo ereva kfj trjna parel dsj sjnare e ake kwj-e rakajstra ged .
pane kwj-e tamla ma "bola kejh os novja mwrkagje e kejh jwld pakan es jomslat vjk" . keje kwj-e novja mwrkagnwn jse kagvaj e tara jse klepwtja . tapr met ktaden pane kwj-e tamla "bola kejh os novja vjla e tjor tolo ged petat sjel tol bor neso os kwrwm kelebor . pje nekejh os novja jws loso os traft mj wr telwrer es jomslat ved" .
jke gdejw bola spera vjla e tjor kejnen dwnwmj novja jws . pane gdejw tamla "pje akeb alt dwnwm pas kwj tamla wna sonora pa adbja novja eta tavra voh nwlt tavra aves kwj jnjnt av es nwlvod ved . wto je skrjmos sonora ap kwj bor nejdo kwj vemetra mj" .
tapr met ktaden lose kwj-e traft nesen egr lokate wr telwrer es jomslat ved e kfane kwj-e apet novja vjla . ake ged kalne papel jret dsj egr lokate wte gdejw skrjmos sonora ap telwra es jomslat ved . nesen egr lokate lose gdejw traft kwj-e wr telwrer es jomslat ved .